by Barbara Brewster | Sep 29, 2016 | Writing
Published Tweed Valley Weekly Oct 10, 2012 Desperation about the CSG situation creates a desire in me—a life-long “good-girl”–to do something drastic against those responsible for this violence. Yet to return one violence with another only results in escalation and...
by Barbara Brewster | Sep 2, 2016 | News Flash, workshops, Writing
Catch my various sessions: *Saturday, Sept 10th at 2pm with my troupe, Joy Machine Parody Singers *Sunday, 8.30-9.30am: Local Author Panel: I’ll share about my writing journey and my book “Down Under All Over”. Dreamtime Stories Marquee – Jack...
by Barbara Brewster | May 2, 2016 | Rambunctious Writing, Uncategorized, Writing
Fun! Freedom! Flow! Discover the power of playful writing! In this gentle but exhilarating workshop we’ll shake out the cobwebs, stimulate our spontaneity, eclipse the inner editor, tickle our imaginations, unveil personal insights and carry home spectacular...