Fun! Freedom! Flow! Discover the power of playful writing!
In this gentle but exhilarating workshop we’ll shake out the cobwebs, stimulate our spontaneity, eclipse the inner editor, tickle our imaginations, unveil personal insights and carry home spectacular spontaneity tools. No need to be a ‘writer’. Come play and surprise yourself. Profundity in Playfulness!
Saturday, 18 February – 1 to 4:30 pm
$77 or prepaid by 13 February = $60
Bloomhill in Buderim ** Limited Numbers ** Bookings Essential
Sheer, bloody fun!
Refreshingly self-affirming.
Brilliant, innovative, colourful—let go!
My energy came back!
I discovered what’s been hidden–my creative, joyful, self.
Barbara has presented to Holistic, Wellness, Medical, Nursing, Mental Health, Psychological Groups; Schools, RMIT, Universities; Financial, Farm, Corporate Managers; Executive Groups; Festivals, Retreats, AGMs, Conferences, Women’s Gatherings; RSL, Veterans, Government Departments, Community Groups and more.
Also: private coaching